Time to get Tough: Make America Great Again

Time to get Tough: Make America Great Again

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The Book That Launched MAGA Nation.

Kniha přidána na doporučení Miroslava Bárty.

Knihu odesíláme 7 dní od objednání.



The media scoffed at Trump’s vision and the people who supported him; they were blinded by the Clinton machine. But their eyes were opened after Trump won sixty-two million votes and the Oval Office in 2016. Even Republican House Speaker Paul Ryan said, “Donald Trump heard a voice in this country that no one else heard.” He still does. Donald Trump puts “America’s interests first—and that means doing what’s right for our economy, our national security, and our public safety.” He made the biggest deals of his life as President of the United States, but there are more deals to be made. From ending the border crisis to enacting policies to eliminate regulations that restrict small businesses, Donald Trump understands that America “doesn’t need cowardice, it needs courage.” It is Time to Get Tough

Issue from the year: 2024

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