Kniha zařazena na doporučení Miroslava Bárty:"Krakatoa byla sopkou, jejíž výbuch měl globální dopad na planetu na dobu pěti let. Síla jejího výbuchu se rovná 13 000 atomových bomb shozených na Hirošimu" prof. Bárta, 2024
Simon Winchester's brilliant chronicle of the destruction of the Indonesian island of Krakatoa in 1883 charts the birth of our modern world. He tells the story of the unrecognized genius who beat Darwin to the discovery of evolution; of Samuel Morse, his code and how rubber allowed the world to talk; of Alfred Wegener, the crack-pot German explorer and father of geology. In breathtaking detail he describes how one island and its inhabitants were blasted out of existence and how colonial society was turned upside-down in a cataclysm whose echoes are still felt to this day.
Issue from the year: 2004
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