Kniha zařazena na doporučení Miroslava Bárty:"Jedno z nejvýznamnějších děl zakladatele oboru antropologie práva na základě studia právního systému Kapauků na Nové Guinei. Geniální." prof. Bárta, 2024
This monograph, a doctoral dissertation by an anthropologist at Yale University, is an attempt to demonstrate, with the help of data from the Kapauku Papuans, the effectiveness of a theory of law formulated on the basis of a cross-cultural study of 32 societies. The monograph is divided into four parts: the first concentrates upon the Kapauku individual and his conception of the universe; the second on Kapauku society and its subgroups; the third consists of 176 decisions relating to specific disputes; while the last part tests Pospisil's theory against the background of these decisions and of the culture in general. In testing the theory of law, special attention is given to the analysis of authority and leadership.
Issue from the year: 2011
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